Super Fine Powder – Food Grade – Mushroom Cultivation
Mushroom – PH Buffer
Gypsum is to be mixed at 2% per volume weight of grain and 5% per volume weight of the substrate.
The main reason is to add calcium carbonate and sulfur, which helps to stabilize PH levels to near neutral so it acts as a
PH buffer as well as adding minerals that are vital for fruiting.
Powdered gypsum is used to increase the PH in mushroom growing substrates such as grain, sawdust,
coffee grounds and straw. It is also a yield enhancer as it supplies minerals and traces elements to the mycelium
Various Weights – 250g – 500g – 1kg
Homebrewing – Water Treatment
Gypsum’s positive effects are to reduce wort pH, improve malt extraction efficiency through enhanced amylolytic activity, give a buffering capacity to the wort, balance the hop flavor for highly hopped beers, improve wort clarity, and remove phosphates and proteins in the wort trub.

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